Some Helpful Guidelines When Studying John's Gospel
Unique Aspects of John's Gospel. We briefly looked at some of the special features of the first 3 gospels of the New Testament. The first 3 gospels include the signs and the sayings of Jesus. Now we will look at some unique parts of John's gospel. In a general sense, the first 3 gospels tell us what Jesus said and did but John's gospel is distinctly different. John was used of God to tell us who Jesus Christ is. Also, remember that the Apostle John witnessed the life, teachings and miracles of Christ that the other gospel writers witnessed. However, John chose to be very selective in the material that he recorded for us so that we would not miss his main focus of showing who Christ is. John uses the phrase "son of God" in reference to Jesus Christ 10 times, more than any other gospel. This is a key to knowing what John is telling us about Christ. There are no Parables in John's Gospel. John 6:63 It is the spirit that quickeneth...