Nehemiah. Pt. 3 Trusting the LORD while being attacked
Good morning to each one of you. It is cold and sunny in Ohio but a good cup of hot coffee makes the morning chill disappear. I hope that our study of Nehemiah & Ezra is used of God to help us cultivate Godly character in our individual lives. When I survey the cultural and political trends in America I am reminded how morally bankrupt our nation has become. Christians must seek to be men, women and children of integrity, honesty and live in obedience to God's word. We should ask the LORD to work in our hearts and change us into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. Our Father in heaven is ready and willing to do this work in us just as Christian parents are ready and wiling to tie the hearts of their children to the LORD. {An artists rendition of Nehemiah leading the reconstruction of the walls at Jerusalem.} What a daunting project this was for Nehemiah to complete. He had a good mind and was able to prioritize the work and to organize ...