
The Divine Names. Pt. 2: Jehovah Rapha

Good morning Dear Readers I am rejoicing as the Word of God continues to go forth through this blog into places around the world.  The truth of God's word is desperately needed by people who struggle in so many areas of life.  Scripture is called "the words of life" because it is used by the Spirit of God to convict the hearts of all people who hear it and read it.  Scripture is used to bring conviction upon us for our sins and to lead us to true repentance so that we can be regenerated or born again into the family of God.   Please keep sharing God's life changing truth with all the people that you know that are lost and  living without the Hope of the blessed Gospel of Jesus Christ. Let us return to the text we studied in the last post and refresh our memories a bit. A simple outline of Exodus 15 would show that Moses is looking back at the complete victory of God over the Egyptians at the Red Sea crossing in verses 1-12.  In verses ...

The Divine Names. Pt. 1 Jehovah Rapha

Good morning to everyone. We had a blessed Lord's Day with our church family.  A missionary  from Ghana, Africa that our church supports was able to spend the day with us.  Aquila preached a great sermon from Hebrews 11 & 12 about "Looking Unto Jesus."  It was a call to lay aside any weights that hinder us from running the faith race so that we might follow Christ harder.  Aquila reminded us that these weights could include relationships, careers, hobbies or anything else that we put higher in priority than God. It was a call to lay aside any sin issues in our lives so that we can run the race with nothing to hold us back from giving our best effort.  It was a call to consider all that Christ suffered and endured because of the joy He had from bringing salvation to sinners like you and me.  It was a passionate message from this wonderful missionary. Jehovah Rapha I would like to study another name of God with you.  This na...

The Ten Gates of Jerusalem. Pt. 13

Good Morning Dear Ones. We are in the midst of about 5 days in a row with highs in the 70's and lows in the 50's.  In my opinion this is Ohio weather at its best. We have even see a few trees starting to change color as we move closer to fall.  The morning air is sweet, crisp and refreshing.  The  Sheep Gate (Salvation)  points us to Jesus Christ the Lamb of God and our salvation. The  Fish Gate (Service)  points us to serving Jesus Christ by being fisher's of men. The  Old Gate   (Standards)  points us to the unchanging standards of Jehovah's Word and our need to stay in the good path and the good way that scripture marks out. The  Valley Gate (Suffering)   points us to the sufferings of Christ and the general struggles of living in a sin cursed world. Born again Christians are in a battle against a fierce enemy who would seek to send us into a dark valley of suffering. The  Dung Gate (San...

The Ten Gates of Jerusalem. Pt. 12

Good and blessed morning to all of our Faithful Readers Here is a bit of review to help us keep the message of the Ten Gates before us. The  Sheep Gate (Salvation)  points us to Jesus Christ the Lamb of God and our salvation. The  Fish Gate (Service)  points us to serving Jesus Christ by being fisher's of men. The  Old Gate   (Standards)  points us to the unchanging standards of Jehovah's Word and our need to stay in the good path and the good way that scripture marks out. The  Valley Gate (Suffering)   points us to the sufferings of Christ and the general struggles of living in a sin cursed world. Born again Christians are in a battle against a fierce enemy who would seek to send us into a dark valley of suffering. The  Dung Gate (Sanctification)  points out our need to carry out the dung and trash (sin) that accumulates in our minds or through our actions.  The  Fountain Gate (Supplyi...

The Ten Gates of Jerusalem. Pt. 11

Good Morning to all of You. God is so good to have given us His word. We would be floundering in darkness if we did not have the light of His inspired truth. I need to be more grateful to my Father in heaven for bestowing this great blessing.  The  Sheep Gate (Salvation)  points us to Jesus Christ the Lamb of God and our salvation. The  Fish Gate (Service)  points us to serving Jesus Christ by being fisher's of men. The  Old Gate   (Standards)  points us to the unchanging standards of Jehovah's Word and our need to stay in the good path and the good way that scripture marks out. The  Valley Gate (Suffering)   points us to the sufferings of Christ and the general struggles of living in a sin cursed world. Born again Christians are in a battle against a fierce enemy who would seek to send us into a dark valley of suffering. The  Dung Gate (Sanctification)  points out our need to carry out the dun...