Nehemiah Part 12 Opened Scriptures For Opened Hearts

Here is a note about an index containing all Bible lessons posted on this blog since its inception in 2019. 

An index for all lessons posted from 2019 through 2021, was published on September 7, 2022.

An index for all lessons posted in 2022, was published January 24, 2023.

An index for all lessons posted in 2023 was posted on February 28, 2024. 

The index for all lessons posted in 2024 was published on January 21,2025. 

Below is the link to the YouTube channel of my church. 

We missed three Sundays, due to the death of my older sister, and recent snowfall.

Part 12 in this study focuses on how the redeemed people of God gathered as one body, motivated by the Spirit of God for the purpose of asking Ezra the scribe to read God's Word to them.

The Jewish people exhibited a respect for and a strong desire to hear the Word of God.

We saw that their is a dependency upon God to open people's hearts to the Word.

We also noted how God prepared Ezra for this specific task by making him a ready scribe, well taught in the Word.

We saw how prayer and worship prepared the people to hear from God.

We saw how much care was taken to make sure that all the people attending were able to hear the scriptures read, and to ensure they understood what God said.

The purpose of opening the scriptures is to reveal God so that all might know Him.

The purpose of opening teh scriptures is to learn how God wants us to live.

The purpose of opening the scriptures is to receive great hope from the promises of God.

I know that this lesson will bless all who are able to view it. 

Also, I noticed that you may need to advance the video before is starts playing.



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