Missionary Update From Australia

 Good morning to our Readers.

I recently received another update form a missionary couple that our church supports.

They have a unique ministry in Australia and New Zealand where the have a thriving ministry to Chinese people who come to Australia for work or school.

They have many specific prayer needs. Please lift them up in prayer too.


                                                                         The Humphrey Herald


August 2024

"God is so good to me", said Ming.   Jack and Ming are applying godly principles to their lives and are experiencing blessings from the Lord.   God just gave Ming a job closer to her home and double the salary of her current job! 

Jennifer and Tom are building a home just 30 minutes from us.  Yesterday, assisted Jennifer with a boundary issue she has with her neighbor.  

John and I were very pleased to see how she dealt with her neighbor who was not being truthful!  Most people would have been quite upset, but she maintained her composure.  

Please pray for Tom and Jennifer as they try to resolve this boundary issue.

Please pray for Ning.  She has just been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis.  She is 60 years old and has been experiencing pain in her hand and wrist areas.  

She saw a specialist this past Monday.  She requested that John accompany her and her husband Michael to help them better understand the specialist's comments concerning her situation.  John said that it was good that he went to provide clarity to both doctor and patient.

Recently, the Lord has given us more of a counseling ministry.  We have experienced many things people are going through and the Lord is giving us opportunities to counsel people with empathy.

We will be returning to the U.S. in August for John's father's memorial service. He passed away in late May.  It will be a family gathering.  

Serving the Lord in a foreign country for almost 26 years, we have missed many special family gatherings. 

It has been difficult at times, but the Lord always comforted us.  We look forward to spending time with our children, grandchildren, other family members, and friends.


It continues to be a privilege to serve the Lord.  We want to thank all who support us prayerfully and financially.   May the Lord be glorified through all of our efforts!

With grateful hearts,

John & Mihyon Humphrey



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