Every Good And Perfect Gift Pt. 6 The Feast Of Trumpets
Good morning...
This link will take you to the YouTube channel of Heritage Baptist Church, my home church.
This is a link to Part 6 of a series of Sunday School lessons I am currently teaching, under the title of "Every Good And Perfect Gift.'
This lesson looks at the Feat of Trumpets in the Old Testament.
It reminds us to keep the Sabbath Day holy.
It reminds us that God used trumpets to announce the giving of His law at Mount Sinai.
It reminds us that God used trumpets to call His people to assemble together.
We learned that God will use a trumpet to announce that Jesus Christ is coming to take His church home one day, at the rapture.
We learned that one day, God will use a trumpet to announce that the end has come and final judgment is coming.
Finally, the Feast of Trumpets reminds us to be thankful to God for His many blessings.
I hope that this will bless each one of you who are able to view it.
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