Learning How To Pray Pt. 43 A Mother's Prayer of Praise & Thanksgiving

We studied the prayer of Hannah when she poured out her heart to Jehovah. Her situation was difficult. Her adversary, the other wife of Elkanah, had many children but Hannah had none. 

She was in great distress of soul and suffered anguish of spirit, for she wanted to bless her husband with a child.

Hannah reached a breaking point where she ran to the tabernacle at Shiloh, and with many tears, she laid all her burdens upon Jehovah. 

He blessed Hannah by removing the cares that she had, so that she was no longer consumed with heartache or agitation.

Jehovah also honored her prayer for a son, and she gave birth to Samuel. After Samuel was born, Hannah nurtured him until he was weaned, and then she kept her vow to God. She took her little son and brought him to the high priest, Eli.

Hannah's prayer of triumph and praise.

1 Samuel 2:1  And Hannah prayed, and said, My heart rejoiceth in the LORD, mine horn is exalted in the LORD: my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies; because I rejoice in thy salvation. 

Hannah prayed again, and this time, her prayer was  powerful and filled with joy from Jehovah. Her prayer is viewed as a prophetic prayer that sees events to come fairly soon, as well as some longer range prophecy. 

Her first words of praise frame the whole prayer. Her heart had moved from a sorrowful spirit before Samuel was born, to a happy spirit rejoicing in the LORD. 

Hannah's expression of joyous exultation reminds us that when we cast our cares upon God, He will relieve us of that burden. He lightens our load and we are able to respond with joy. 

When she received mercy from God, she owned it and responded with an outpouring of praise and thanksgiving. 

Remember, that Jesus healed ten lepers but only one of them came back to praise and worship the Lord (Luke 17:17). Therefore, let us continually praise God for His goodness to us. 

From this particular mercy which she had received from God, Hannah prayed with an elevated and enlarged heart, speaking glorious things of God and of His government.

Her first prayer was full of groanings that could not be uttered, but God heard the words pouring out from her troubled heart. 

This prayer is one of praise, thanksgiving and adoration of Jehovah. Her voice rang out clear and strong as she praised her Lord. 

Hannah did not mention Samuel in this prayer because she was solely absorbed with the Giver, not the gift that she received. 

Though Hannah loved her son and was complete as a mother, she worshiped in prayer because Jehovah was the source of her joy.

Hannah experienced the joy of motherhood. 

Psalm 113:9  He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the LORD. 

Jehovah makes the barren wife to bear children and manage a home with joy. This is praiseworthy. What a tragic time that we live in, where expectant mothers demand the right to kill a baby in their womb. 

Motherhood may be the highest calling that anyone can have, for a Mom has the blessing of nurturing, loving and shaping her child. Her goal is like Hannah's to raise up God fearing children who know the Lord. 

We can see why Hannah is praising Jehovah. He alone can give a barren wife a child. Sarah and Abraham are a powerful example of having to wait until they were old, before God gave them Isaac. 

Psalm 127:3  Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.  

Children are a rich treasure from the Lord. They are a heritage given to us from God. They are to be molded and shaped in such a way that they choose to live for God's glory. 

The idea of Hannah's horn being exalted, is connected to women's attire in the ancient eastern world. 

A woman typically wore a small, oval shaped, metal clasp, here called a horn. A horn was normally oriented horizontally on her forehead, to hold her veil in place. 

Only a mother could change the position from horizontal to vertical, indicating that she had children. 

Thus, Hannah greatly rejoiced because Jehovah gave her a son named Samuel. Her mouth was silent before, but now was wide open as she gave praises to God.

Hannah was vindicated before Peninnah, her adversary. She acknowledged that her enemy was put to silence by the birth of Samuel, and that this was all of God's doing.

Hannah's joyous prayer came from knowing God. 

1 Samuel 2:2  There is none holy as the LORD: for there is none beside thee: neither is there any rock like our God. 

Hannah is filled with a deep love and reverence for Jehovah, because of what she knows to be true of Him. 

Hannah reminds us that God alone is holy in His being.

1Chronicles 16:29  Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name: bring an offering, and come before him: worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness. 

Hannah learned that there is none other "god" but the LORD God. He is utterly holy, righteous and perfect in all His ways. This is why she was praising Jehovah. She was giving Jehovah the glory and honor due unto His name. 

She came into His presence with prayers, praising and thanksgiving. She worshiped God in the beauty of His holiness. "There is none holy as the LORD" she exclaimed.

Hannah reminds us that Jehovah is the One, True Living God.  

Deuteronomy 5:6-7  I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 7) Thou shalt have none other gods before me.

Hannah understood that God was real and that the idols and "gods" worshiped by the pagan nations around them, were nothing. An idol cannot see, speak, taste, touch or hear. They are utterly powerless and impotent. 

Jehovah is Creator and Sustainer of all things. He is the source of all life. He is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. 

No wonder Hannah burst out with joyous praise, because there is no other God. Period! What a wonderful, mighty God we serve! 

Hannah reminds us that Jehovah is our Rock and Refuge.

Psalm 18:2  The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.

Hannah understood this truth very well. She ran to the tabernacle to unburden her heart to her LORD. 

She quickly discovered that Jehovah is our Rock, a pillar of strength to those who seek Him. He is a place of shelter from the storms of life and a fortress of protection from our enemies.

Thoughts to Ponder...

We learn much from this second prayer of Hannah that the Holy Spirit saw fit to include in scripture.

When we pray, let us remember to exalt God for who He is. Let us be filled with the glory of His majesty. Let our lips proclaim His goodness, mercy and grace toward us.

When we pray, let us remember to come with thanksgiving for how God has answered our prayers. We honor and bless God when we thank Him for what He does in our lives.

When we pray as parents, let us remember that our children are a precious gift from God, and let us resolve to raise them for His glory and service, as Hannah did for Samuel.

When we pray, may we remember who God is and may this fill us with joy as we pray.

May we praise Him for His holiness. May we praise Him for being our Rock. 

May we praise Him for being our strong tower where we can flee when troubles assail us.




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