The Book of Acts: Discipleship In Action Pt. 25 Mighty Faith, an Angry Mob and an Angelic Face.

The Holy Ghost came down at Pentecost with an unforgettable demonstration of power and holiness. God birthed the New Testament church which began with 120 disciples in an upper room, and by this point in time numbers at least 10,000 to 15,000 believers! We noted that a great number of priests were born again. This is noteworthy because they handled all the sacrifices offered as sin offerings, peace offerings and thank offerings to God. As Peter and the others preached from the Old Testament, the priests saw the connections of the suffering Messiah (Christ's first advent) with what the law and prophets foretold. They understood that each animal offered as a sacrifice for sin was a picture of Christ on the cross dying for their sins. Each animal offered as a thanksgiving and sweet savor offering to God was a picture of Christ's atoning work being our sweet savor offering accepted by God. We shall see today that there was a swift reaction from the unbelieving ...