Missionary Update from South Africa

Below is  a missionary update that our church received from a couple that we support. Please read through their letter and take their very real needs to the Lord in prayer. They are ministering in South Africa.


Dear Pastor Alvis and Friends at Heritage,


When our last newsletter went out we were still in the USA awaiting our last planned meeting as well as permission to return to South Africa.  We received our permission and purchased tickets with British Air. When BA cancelled our tickets due to a total lockdown announced for the UK just after we booked the tickets, we were able to rebook with Ethiopian Air.  

On 17 November we were tested for Covid-19 in GA and arrived in Newark at 4 pm.  When the gate opened at 7 pm for our 9 pm flight, the EA gate agent refused to allow us to board.  Some of you were praying, because after being told we would need to return to GA either that night or spend the night and go back to GA in the morning, the gate agent, who had said he was removing our luggage from the plane, told us sign an indemnity form and board “his” plane to Cape Town!  The “gate agent’s heart” is in the hand of the Lord and HE TURNS IT!


After the 40-hour return trip, we were looking forward to showers and sleep, but repairmen from the insurance agent “insisted” they work on the door that was broken by the burglars in September!  Over the past few weeks, C. spent many hours completing the detailed list of items stolen AND an “inventory of items remaining in the house.” Possessions are tools for serving, but they can become a burden!  Do pray that the Lord save these thieves who stole from Him.


While maintaining required Covid 19 restrictions, we have visited the members and regular attenders of our church.  This past Sunday we were able to re-gather in an outdoor service held here at our house. It was the first service since March 22nd!   

Presently E B K is still restricted from using the classrooms at the primary school where we have met since 2010.  We have talked to real estate agents and people the community, but there seems to be no venue available for rent or purchase.  The property we desire to buy from the City is still unavailable for purchase, due to Covid-19 grinding everything in City Government to a standstill.


As in the USA, South Africa’s second surge of Covid-19 infections has been exponential.  In the Western Cape hospital admissions increase 409% during November.  On the whole the population is careless as it is year-end and people are in holiday and beach mode with the lovely summer weather.  After a recent matric function in Gauteng, 1,000 young people tested positive for Coronavirus. How many family members of these youths will in turn develop Covid 19?


Last week, when I witnessed again to 63-year-old, Koos, whose brother was buried on Saturday, I urged him to give his heart to Christ because no one has a guarantee of tomorrow. But he said he reads his Bible and tries to obey the commandments, while he and I both know from THE EXCHANGE lessons that we did together more than a year ago that he has broken all the 10 commandments.


May we all see all the grace the Lord places within the bundles of afflictions He orchestrates to conform us to His image.  May He enable us to love and forgive like He does and see that, ultimately, it is His fingers that crush us to make us poured out as a drink offering.

We are thankful for your faithful, generous investment in the work here.  We covet your prayers for revival here.

May God grant you all good health and strength at Christmas and in 2021 according to His will.

Yours in Christ,

T and C P



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