
Showing posts from November, 2020

The End Times as God Reveals Them Pt. 34 Worship Fills Heaven; Rebellion Fills the Earth.

We are coming to the end of Revelation 11 and we are halfway through this tremendous book dealing with the End Times.  Worship will fill heaven after the 7th trumpet sounds. Revelation 11:16-17  And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God,  17)  Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.  John saw the 24 elders fall on their faces again after the declaration that the kingdoms  of the world were given to Christ. It will be a doxology of praise. They will give much thanks which is something that all believers should do because our Father has done everything possible and needed to bring us to Himself. They will worship the God of eternity (past, present and future) because He is going to take up His power to establish His kingdom. 1 Timothy 6:14-16  That thou keep this commandmen...


This is the updated blog index for the year 2020.  I hope this will prove to be a good resource that will help enhance your studies of God's Word. DATE    TITLE 1/1/2020          WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE IN CHRIST? PT. 16 1/2/2020          WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE IN CHRIST? PT. 17 1/3/2020          THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. PT. 1 1/4/2020          THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. PT. 2 1/5/2020          THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. PT. 3 1/5/2020          THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. PT. 4 1/6/2020          PSALM 119: GODS WORD ON DISPLAY. PT. 1 1/6/2020          PSALM 119: GODS WORD ON DISPLAY. PT. 2 1/6/2020     ...


Good evening  I wanted to make the blog index more user friendly so I divided it into two posts. This post contains all lessons posted in 2019. I will post an  updated list for the 2020 archives tomorrow. I hope this will make it easier for you to browse through the archives.  Bob DATE   TITLE 2/23/2019       IN THE BEGINNING 2/25/2019       WHY WAS I CREATED? 2/28/2019       THE DAY THE WORLD CHANGED FOR THE WORSE 3/2/2019         TWO BROTHERS, TWO OFFERINGS,                                     TWO RESPONSES FROM GOD 3/6/2019         THE UGLINESS OF SIN AND NEW HOPE GIVEN 3/8/2019         A POEM ABOUT OUR HERITAGE OF FAITH 3/9/2019  ...