The End Times As God Reveals Them. Pt. 5 Prophecy Principles

Good morning to each of you. Thank you for coming here to learn more about the End Times. I want to remind us of some important, foundational principles that we need to keep in front of us as we make our way through this study. The rapture of the church is first. First, the "Rapture" of the global church, composed of all born again believers, will take place before the events described in the End Times. This is the first element of Christ's return and it initiates all of the events that lead to that great Day of the LORD which is a day of fiery judgment. In light of this and to help us understand the distinction between the "rapture" of the church and the coming of Christ in judgment, I highly recommend that each of you go back in the archives to January 2020 and re-read the 6 lessons I posted about the Rapture. They are titled the Second Coming of Christ, Parts 1 through 6. I think you will find reading them again will be very helpful. There are many di...