A Study of John's Gospel. Pt. 24 Christ Does the Fathers Works, is given all Judgment and Resurrection Power.

Good morning to each of you.

As you can probably tell, our study through John's gospel is going to take some time to complete. This is a very worthwhile labor in the Word for our spiritual growth because we will learn much about Christ, our heavenly Father and the ministry of God's Spirit.  

John's gospel has a universal appeal and through our studies I am convinced that our faith will be increased, our resolve to follow Christ will be strengthened and our desire to lead others to Christ will grow. May the Spirit of God who inspired the scriptures be pleased to open our eyes to eternal truths and may He work in each one of us to make us more like Christ.

John 5:20 (With images) | Psalms, Psalm 40, Bible

What the Father does, the Son does.

John 5:19-20  Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise. 20) For the Father loveth the Son, and sheweth him all things that himself doeth: and he will shew him greater works than these, that ye may marvel. 

Jesus continues to speak to the same angry Jewish religious leaders who sought to harass and kill Him. He is sharing powerful truth that would change their lives if they were to submit to Jesus. 

First, Jesus declared that He can do nothing of or by Himself because He and the Father are one. Therefore, whatever the Son sees the Father do the same things will be done by the Son of God. Jesus is telling them that healing the certain man at the pool of Bethesda is what the Father would have done. 

Second, we note that 4 times in verse 19 we see the Greek word translated "do" or "doeth" used. Twice the word is connected with the Father's work and twice it is connected to the work of Christ. This word means to make, form or produce something and to do something correctly and well. This word applies equally to the work of the Father and of the Son. 

The word translated "likewise" means that what the Father does Jesus also does exactly the same and with equal ability. 

Third, we see that the Father loves His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. This provides a glimpse into the Trinity of the Godhead. The Bible teaches that the One True God of heaven and earth revealed Himself to us in 3 persons, the Father, the Son and the Spirit and these 3 are the Almighty God. Jesus Christ is the obedient Son who always sought to please His Father and there is a special love of the Father for the Son.

What Jesus is saying here is that the mighty works that He has done and is going to do are exactly what the Father in heaven showed Him to do. People will witness these works and marvel. People who would know the Old Testament scriptures and who were looking for Messiah to come, would immediately move from marveling to faith that Christ is among them. Remember, John's purpose in writing his gospel is so men might believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Twice in this text we see that the Father "shows" His Son all the works that He does. The word translated "sheweth" is the idea of a father teaching his son how to do something, like learning carpentry skills. As the ministry of Jesus unfolds, the Father is going to show forth even greater works that will cause men to marvel. 

The Father gave His Son resurrection power.

John 5:21  For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them; even so the Son quickeneth whom he will. 

Jesus provided an example of the "greater works" that the Father is going to have His Son do. He reminded the Jews about the resurrection of the dead and the reality that there is a resurrection of life for believers and a resurrection of death for unbelievers. 

The Father raises up the dead which is a word that means to rouse someone from sleep. The Father also quickens them which means to restore someone to life or to make someone alive by the power of the Spirit of God. 

There are three examples of people being raised from the dead in the Old Testament. 

  • Elijah raised the son of the Zarephath widow from the dead (1 Kings 17:8-22). 
  • Elisha raised the son of the Shunammite woman from the dead (2 Kings 4:18-35). 
  • A man was raised from the dead when his body touched Elisha’s bones (2 Kings 13:20-21).

Jesus said that His Father gave Him the power to quicken or make alive those who were dead. There are two aspects to this teaching. First is the obvious ability to physically raise someone from the dead like Jesus would do to Lazarus in John 11. Second it refers to the quickening work of the Spirit of God when He regenerates as sinner who was dead in trespasses and sins. It refers to the new birth. Jesus' power to quicken will include both of these aspects as we dig deeper into John's gospel.

Christ will be the Judge!

John 5:22-23  For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son: 23) That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him. 

Jesus then lays out the fact that should have caused the hostile religious leaders to fear and tremble. The Father has given all judgment of mankind to the Son of God. 

The word "judgment" means to separate or to divide asunder. This word closely corresponds with the Parable of the Seed and Sower where only a fraction of those who receive the seed are born again fruit producing Christians (Matthew 13:1-13). 

It also connects with the Parable of the Wheat and Tares where both kinds of plants grow until the time of harvest when the good is separated from the bad (Matthew 13:14-43). Last, it is connected to the Parable of the Net where a great catch of fish is caught but the bad are separated from the good (Matthew 13:47-50).

Why did the Father commit all judgment to His Son? So that all men honor the Son the same way that they give reverence to the Father. Jesus gave a warning that all those who dishonor the Son also dishonor the Father who sent Him into the world. 

Thoughts to Ponder...

Jesus tells us much about His relationship with His Father in heaven. It is a love relationship filled with mutual and complete trust. The Father showed the Son all the things that He does so that Christ can work those same works on earth. The Father has given all judgment to Jesus Christ and He has invested resurrection power in Christ. 

Jesus came to do the works of the Father and the finished work is His death on the cross, burial, and resurrection so that salvation can be brought to mankind. Are we praising our Savior, Jesus Christ for all that He has done in order to save us from our sins?

Jesus has quickening power. This power is used to regenerate a repentant sinner who turns to Christ in faith, believing on Him. It will also be used to raise every belieiver who is dead at the time of the rapture. It will be used to change those who are alive at the return of Christ so that we can live with Him forever. Are we praising Christ for quickening our soul when we were born again? Are we seeking His quickening power each day so that we might live for Him?

Jesus has been granted all judgment over mankind. He will use His quickening power to raise the dead in two phases: a resurrection of the just and a resurrection of the wicked. Are we praising Jesus Christ because He took away the wrath of God for our sins when we were born again? Are we seeking His help to live a life that honors Him? Are we committed to telling others about Jesus so that they do not die in their sins and face that judgment of condemnation?



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