A Study of John's Gospel: Pt. 17 Jesus is always ready to minister to the lost.

Good morning to each one of you. 

I am grateful to our God for helping people in so many different countries to find our Bible Study blog. My goal continues to be giving all of you careful, accurate teaching of the Word of God so that people everywhere can read and understand what God is saying to us. I am trusting that God will continue to anoint His truth as it goes forth in the blog and that He will continue to use this blog for His honor and glory. 

John 4:6 Now Jacob's well was there. Jesus therefore, being ...

Jesus had a Divine appointment in Samaria. 

John 4:1-4  When therefore the Lord knew how the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John, 2 (Though Jesus himself baptized not, but his disciples,) 3 He left Judaea, and departed again into Galilee. 4  And he must needs go through Samaria. 

John 4 comes right on the heels of where chapter 3 ended. Some Jews were trying to stir up division between the disciples of John and the disciples of Jesus. This is where we pick up the narrative of what Christ did next. 

The Lord Jesus Christ was busy teaching and was not aware of what had transpired but when His disciples brought the matter to His attention, Christ took action. Jesus and His disciples left the place that was near where John was baptizing in order to go to a different location. Jesus was headed back to Galilee but He was going to travel through Samaria on the way.

"Must needs" means God has a plan for Samaria.

John the apostle tells us that Jesus "Must needs" go through Samaria. The phrase means that going to this particular place was part of the will of the Father. It means this was a necessity and that it was right for Him to do so as an expression of redeeming love to a Samaritan woman. 

Why is it significant that Jesus was going through Samaria? Wicked King Omri established Samaria as part of Israel (1 King 16:24). Later, the Assyrians conquered it and dispersed the Jews as they repopulated the land with 5 other people groups from various nations. Each of those tribes of people imported their own forms of paganism. 

In addition, the few Jews that remained in Samaria had intermarried with the pagan people and attempted to blend pagan practices with Judaism.Thus, the Jews in Jerusalem had a strong prejudice against the Samaritan people. 

Why did Jesus choose to move His ministry efforts away from where John the Baptist was preaching? There are two possible reasons for the action Jesus took. 

Causing discord is not good. 

Proverbs 6:19  A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. 

The first reason is that conflict among believers is something that offends God. The Jews were seeking to create conflict between the two groups of disciples. This specific sin is the end of the list of 7 things that God hates.  

By moving to another location Jesus eliminated the source of controversy that the Jews were trying to stir up.  

Divide and conquer the world for God.

Romans 15:20  Yea, so have I strived to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build upon another man's foundation:

Another reason may be that Jesus, like Paul, did not want to preach the kingdom message in close proximity to where another man was preaching the same message. 

This is like the term divide and conquer that we may use when doing chores at home or working on a project in a work setting. It means that each person takes on a part of the work so that it gets done sooner. In this case, Jesus chose to move to another area to preach and minister the gospel of the Kingdom so that more territory could be covered. 

The most compelling reason is the phrase "must needs." Jesus knew that there was a sinful woman in Samaria and He knew that she needed truth from God in order to be right with God. He knew the exact time when she would be coming to the well of Jacob. 

Christ came to save not to shun.

John 4:5-6  Then cometh he to a city of Samaria, which is called Sychar, near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. 6  Now Jacob's well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the well: and it was about the sixth hour.  

Jesus and His disciples walked through Samaria until they reached a small town called Sychar. The name means "drunken" and may indicate that the community did not have a good reputation. John also points out that this place was near where Jacob's well was located. 

Jesus was weary from walking as the path that they traveled had many changes in elevation and it was the hot season of the year. The 6th hour meant that it was about noonday and the sun was intense. Jesus sat down on the well of Jacob. 

Jesus speaks to a woman with a bad reputation.

John 4:7-8  There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink. 8  (For his disciples were gone away unto the city to buy meat.)  

Jesus sent His disciples to purchase food and while He sat on the well of water a woman of Samaria came. As we shall see, this woman engaged in several illicit relationships. 

It was customary that most married women and young single ladies came to draw water for household needs. Women who were looked down upon had to come at this noonday hour in order to avoid any chance of a hostile confrontation. 

I would also note that as He always did, Jesus engaged this sinful woman instead of shunning her or bringing the wrath of God down on her head. Believers, we need to be ready to engage sinners around us because we have the gospel that they need. 

Jesus is the Son of God and He already knew everything about the woman who came to the well for water. This woman is the singular focus behind the statement that Jesus "must needs" go through Samaria. Christ had a Divine appointment scheduled with her even though she did not know anything about it!

Thoughts to Ponder...

First, I think we need to view our lives as opportunities for a "must needs"moment. God is always at work and we must always be ready to share His truth with others.

Second, the example of our Lord Jesus Christ shows us that we should never be the cause of discord among other believers. All of the news outlets today seem obsessed with causing division and discord but we are called to live a life marked by holiness and peace (1 Peter 1:13-19). 

Third, Jesus came to save sinners not to shun them because they are sinners. Yes, we are called to live a separated life (2 Corinthians 6:17) but we are also to be ready to tell others about the hope we have in Christ (1 Peter 3:15).

May Christ cause our hearts to be much more sensitive to what God is doing right around us. May we be like Christ and be ready to witness to the lost. May we readily share the hope and joy that we have even in a world that is crumbling. May we avoid sowing discord and instead seek the Spirit given unity that honors God. 

May our heavenly Father be glorified as we respond to His truth.



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