Psalm 119 God's Word on Display. Pt. 4

Good evening once again. I hope that this brief introduction to Psalm 119 serves as a springboard for future growth for all of us. May the Lord continue to shape and mold us into the man, women and young people that He wants us to be.

A heartfelt plea for help and soul stirring praise for the faithfulness of Jehovah.

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Psalms 119:5-8  O that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes! Then shall I not be ashamed, when I have respect unto all thy commandments. I will praise thee with uprightness of heart, when I shall have learned thy righteous judgments. I will keep thy statutes: O forsake me not utterly.

We will complete our study of the first 8 verse of Psalm 119. This Psalm is arranged in 22 sections of 8 verses each according to each letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

A personal prayer acknowledging his own weakness before God

The last four verses seem to be a personal prayer for his own soul in regard to the constant pursuit of holiness that we are called to. The Psalmist acknowledges an anguish of soul that many of us experience after failing God, falling into sin, or allowing spiritual lethargy to creep in. 

He acknowledges that like us, he struggled with a carnal nature that does not want to diligently keep God’s precepts.

A personal prayer for heavens help to read, 
heed and keep God's word. 

The Psalmist pleads for heaven’s help as he laments the fact that sometimes his ways are self directed away from God’s statutes instead of toward them. In verse 6 he seems to anticipate receiving Divine help which will remove his shame. Is it not striking that the Psalmist confesses the real possibility of being ashamed before Holy God caused by our failure to respect His testimonies?

Shame disappears when we do respect the LORD’s testimonies. The Psalmist’s spirit soars when he trusts the LORD and respects the word of God. Praise from the Psalmist and from us today is a natural outflow from a heart being transformed by the word of God.   

I will praise God and I will keep His statutes

The Psalmist uses two “I will” statements that express his determination to praise the LORD and to keep His statutes. The Psalmist concludes by praying that God will never forsake him. He expressed a humble admission of complete dependence upon the Lord. Like us, the Psalmist is trusting in a merciful God who will not abandon those who submit to His sovereign right to rule His creatures. 

Points to Ponder.....

1. What do others see marked out in our 

Psalms 37:37 Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace.

How we spend our time, resources and life energies speaks volumes to those who observe us. Our choices mark a clear path that others can see. Our children may chart a path like the one they have seen us mark out as parents. 

Is this not a sobering reality to consider? We should mark our lives by studying the word of God fresh every day to seek the will of God for our lives. We should mark our lives by consistently rejecting worldly things that promise satisfaction but deliver only shame and guilt.  

2. Has the word of God led me to genuine 
humility in my heart before God?

Proverbs 28:13 He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.

We can enjoy a fresh start with God. He does not want us to remain focused on our failures, which are many. He has said He will never leave or nor forsake us. When we confess and forsake our sins the LORD will cleanse us and grant a fresh beginning. 

Am I willing to confess all my sins and failures to this most merciful Jehovah? Have I known the joy of confession and the soul cleansing work of my God? Have I asked Jehovah to bless my efforts in diligently living out His truth?

3. What is it that we are keeping today?

Psalms 103:17-18 But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children; To such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his commandments to do them.

What are we guarding so fiercely in the “keep” of our hearts? Is there something within the “keep” of our soul that we will not yield up to God? Are we sinning and “keeping” it under wraps? Do we “keep” the word of God as something most precious? 

Do we “keep” a desire to live clean before Him?  In short, do we “keep” that which honors God or do we “keep” worldly things that pull us away from Him? “Keeping” His testimonies and seeking Him with my whole heart will always result in being blessed by God.

4. What are we so zealously seeking after 

Psalms 105:4 Seek the LORD, and his strength: seek his face evermore.

Are we “seeking” those things which are above or are we seeking those things which are of the world?  Are we “seeking” to obey His call to speak truth to a neighbor or friend? Are we “seeking” to obey God’s call to ministry? 

Or are we “seeking” a financial asset to sustain us? Are we “seeking” a new home instead of what God has provided? Are we seeking vocational opportunity more than the kingdom of God? Are we seeking some material thing that we have obsessively coveted in order to find satisfaction?

5. Walking in the way of God is something that God has for us.

Psalms 67:1-2 God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; Selah. That thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations.

We may not have thought enough about what it might actually be like to walk in His ways. Walking in the way of God means we are making more choices that align with all that God has revealed Himself to be in scripture. 

Walking in the way of God will lead us to a deeper passion for the things of God that will drive everything that we do in this life. Walking in the way of God changes worship into that vital conduit through which we happily offer our praises to Jehovah. 

Walking in the way of God will move our hearts to love God first and then our neighbors such that, we long to be His witness, to share His eternal truth with lost souls, for His glory.  

Am I faithfully staying upon the straight and narrow God pleasing way? Have I taken time to notice other believers who are running this race with me? Have I offered encouragement to those who are seemingly bogged down by the sin that does so easily afflict us? 

Have I offered to help bear the burdens that are causing some to slow down or to give up in frustration? Have I thanked my God and Savior Jesus Christ for His work in my heart to inflame my soul with a desire to walk in His way? Have I demonstrated my gratitude by offering heartfelt worship to my worthy God?

6. We are called to have a personal and pure walk with the very God who holds the entire universe together with His spoken word.

Deuteronomy 28:9 The LORD shall establish thee an holy people unto himself, as he hath sworn unto thee, if thou shalt keep the commandments of the LORD thy God, and walk in his ways.

Blessings await for the faithful pursuers of walking in the law of God, keeping His testimonies, seeking God with the whole heart, doing no iniquity and walking in His ways. 

What is the state of my zeal for God today? Have I experienced the toil and pain from the battle when I follow the Lord? Am I becoming cold or calloused to the things of God? Have I become a spiritual sluggard? Do I truly treasure God’s word and my glorious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ above all other things?



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