Bible Character Studies: Peter. Pt 1 A Simple Fisherman Follows Christ

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Good Morning,
This is the beginning of our character study on Peter.  We will see that he was very much as we were. Hard working, the head of his household and he would have had good days and bad days.  His character was good but it also needed some work.  Like I said, he was alot like we were.  Let's watch how the Lord changes Peter.

Matthew 4:18-20  And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers. 19  And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. 20  And they straightway left their nets, and followed him. 

Peter and his brother Andrew were the first 2 disciples Christ called into ministry. Peter was a fisherman which tells us a lot about the man, Peter.

At the time of Christ fishermen were strong men who often took decisive actions. Although they were considered to be ignorant and unlearned, fishermen learned much about the weather, the patterns of storms and winds and how to fish successfully on the Sea of Galilee. 

Typically, they were courageous because they learned to endure hostile conditions while they fished.  Generally, they were not afraid of most people. They were also known for using vile language. 

We can say that Peter was a strong man and a very good fisherman. He was decisive and sometimes impulsive. He was used to bringing in a good catch and worked hard to obtain it. He had a temper, his education was limited and he sometimes used bad language.

This is the first man that Jesus Christ called to be one of His disciples. If Christ can and did use a man like Peter, can He not also use you and me in His service? Yes, He can when we choose to follow Him. 

Jesus commanded Peter when He said "Follow me" and Peter obeyed. The word "follow" means to "Come here now" with the idea of leaving the old things behind. It is very much like experience of the born again believer having old things pass away as all things are made new (2 Corinthians 5:17).

The text says that both men "straightway" stopped fishing and followed Christ. It means that they responded quickly, swiftly to Christ's command to follow. 

Peter had no hesitation in obeying the Lord nor did he ask Jesus a bunch of questions about what it means to be a fisher of men. He did not stop to analyze the potential impact upon his life or his family. He just obeyed Christ. 

They "left" their nets. The word "left" is used of a husband divorcing a wife when ending a marriage and bidding her to leave. It also means to depart to a different place leaving all other claims behind. 

They were immediately done with fishing and ready to become fishers of men. Peter and Andrew followed Christ into a brand new career of fishing for men. 

Points to Ponder....

  • In calling Peter to follow Him, Jesus found a disciple who was a hard worker, a man who was decisive & courageous and someone who was raw and coarse. 
  • In calling Peter to follow Him, Jesus knew that He would have to patiently teach and train Peter so that he could be a useful servant. 
  • Christ still commands "Follow me" today. Have you followed Christ yet or are you still undecided?
  • Christ still commands "Follow me" today as we leave old things behind. Have you followed Christ completely like Peter, leaving the old way of life behind?
  • Christ still commands "Follow me" today, did you divorce yourself from old habits and old vocations to fully embrace a brand new life in Christ?
Think about Peter's character for a moment. He was called to a brand new vocation and he jumped tight into it without hesitating. He made a quick and clean break with his old way of life and never looked back. He responded by faith in obeying His command to "Follow me." Peter recognized something different about Jesus Christ when he was told to "Follow me." 

I do not know why any person hearing this invitation from Christ would not jump at the chance to follow the Son of God wherever He might lead us. It took a lot of work to bring Peter to the point of conversion but when he was born again, he was a changed man. 

Will Jesus take care of us when we choose to follow Him? Yes, for the life of Peter shows us that He will. Will Jesus teach us what we need to know so that we can faithfully and effectively serve Him? Yes, for He did this very thing for Peter. Will Jesus help us when we need help or when we are struggling? He will indeed for He assisted Peter many times. 

Follow Christ, Dear Ones. You will never regret giving yourself completely to Christ and walking in the path of a God pleasing life.



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