A Forlorn Church

Good afternoon... I came across this photo and it led me to write a brief poem to accompany the picture. This picture encapsulates the importance of each born again Christian living a life with a vibrant faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. It also reminds those of us who are born again of the absolute importance of making sure the younger generation receives the faith once delivered to the saints. We must pass it on to them and the only way to do this, is living a God honoring life filled with the evidences of Christ in us, the hope of glory. Read & Heed God's word. Trust and Obey our Savior. A Forlorn Church A silent sentinel stands all alone, midst creaking of wood and cracking of stone. The paint has all faded and peeled away, the inside is filled with dirt and decay. The bell used to ring and call folks to come; now it is muted and speaks to no one. Now, winds stirring make sad, mournful sounds. No more do lost souls com...