Verbal Inspiration. Pt. 1 Inspired Scripture from God to man.
Good evening to all of you! I would like to take a break from our study of the book of Genesis to talk about a topic that you may not have considered. It is the subject of the Bible. This is a broad topic and I will probably dedicate a few posts to delve into this subject. What do people mean when they say that the scriptures are inspired? The formal term is "verbal inspiration" which simply means that God inspired each word of the scriptures in the original Hebrew and Greek languages. An easy way to understand inspiration is to tabulate how many times the scripture says "God spoke; Jesus spoke or the Holy Spirit spoke." If you do a word search with Bible software, you will find that there are nearly 4,000 places that plainly state that God is speaking in the passage of scripture. The earliest example of verbal inspiration is found in the account of creation where the simple phrase “God said” is used 9 times in the first two chapters of Genesis. The words s...